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Pool Replastering

Pool Replastering

Lagoon Pool Plastering specializes in removing and replastering swimming pools in residential settings across Texas.


Removing plaster requires skill, and Lagoon Pool Plastering boasts years of expertise in this area. Their highly professional crew are recognized specialists in pool replastering and resurfacing, ensuring top-quality results for every project.


We employ cutting-edge techniques and top-quality materials to deliver the best pool resurfacing solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to discuss your pool renovation and repair needs.

How Long Does Pool/Spa Resurfacing Last? 

Pool and spa finishes are consistently immersed in water, subjecting them to a wide range of

water chemistry conditions over time. Certain pool materials possess greater hardness and resilience, making them more adept at handling these fluctuations.

Unfortunately, no pool surface material is exempt from problems and deterioration if a pool or spa is not properly maintained. Therefore, the decisions you make play a crucial role in the long-term appearance and condition of your pool. By diligently managing and caring for your pool’s water chemistry, you can extend the lifespan of your swimming pool finish.


Typically, with appropriate water chemistry maintenance, a Pebble resurfaced swimming pool can endure for approximately 15 to 20 years.


Quality Finishes

Pool Resurfaring

    Years of Experience 

Keep This in Mind:

The hue of the water alters with the pool's depth, the angle of sunlight, and the concentration of chlorine and other additives.


Pebble finishes can generate reflections from the surrounding environment. A deep pool under the midday sun will capture a greater intensity of water color than a shallow pool on a cloudy day.


Shortest Lifespan: White plaster at 5-15 years

Longest Lifespan: Pebble finishes at 15+ years

Adequate maintenance and managing water chemistry can extend the lifespan.

The longevity of white plaster tends to be shorter due to the softer marble component in its mixture. There's no guarantee or warranty provided for white plaster.


Quartz finishes tend to have a longer lifespan thanks to the inclusion of a harder quartz aggregate alongside marble and cement. When water chemistry is adequately maintained, quartz finishes can exceed the average lifespan.


Pebble finishes can last 15+ years. This is the most durable and recommended swimming pool finish. 




Lagoon Pool Plastering offers a selection of three Pebble finishes, each distinguished by its unique attributes. Despite concerns regarding potential roughness, our commitment to skilled application ensures consistently smooth results.

Our Pebble Sheen, renowned for its fine-grained composition, guarantees a refined texture surpassing that of the original Pebble product.

For those seeking an even sleeker texture, the incorporation of Pebbles with Luminous Glass bead blend into both original Pebble and Pebble Sheen finishes offers an elegant solution.

Water Temperature

Stay cool and relaxed with light shades in a deep pool.

Alternatively, enjoy the warmth of the sun in a shallow pool with a dark bottom – it’s up to you!

Just like a black car left in the sun on a hot day, a dark-bottomed pool finish absorbs heat from the sun. In places like Texas, we've seen dark quartz or pebble pools increase water temperature by as much as 8-10 degrees on scorching days. Shallow pools or spas warm up quicker than deeper ones.






Valerya Orozco

Santiago Orozco



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